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At Ontario Flight Centre, our top priority is to provide the staff and customers that visit our office with a clean and safe space. The COVID 19 pandemic is a constantly evolving situation that requires frequent reviews and updates as more information becomes available.

This safety plan has been developed so that everyone who enters the office are aware of the expectations while inside both the office as well as the aircraft. Everyone plays a role in the fight against COVID 19, together we can keep Ontario Flight Centre a safe and clean place to flight train.

If anyone has any questions or concerns that are not covered below, they can bring it to the attention of the Chief Flight Instructor.

Measures we’re taking.

How we’re ensuring workers keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19
  • Cleaning supplies and PPE are available to all staff and customers.
  • All high touch areas and equipment will be cleaned after each use, including the aircraft.
  • Staff and customers are required to wear a face mask at all times while in the office and aircraft. 
  • Face masks must cover both the mouth and nose. No exceptions.
  • Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands frequently including before entering the office. If washing hands is not possible, hand sanitizer will be available.
  • Cough and sneeze into your sleeve / elbow.
  • The office has been laid out to maximize the ability to distance this includes eliminating the customer waiting area.
  • Only one student / Instructor briefing area is set up.
  • All briefings must be completed in the Ontario Flight Centre office. No briefings are to be done using the airport chairs located outside the OFC office.
  • Bookings will be staggered to avoid too many people in the office or the likelihood of people loitering in the office.
  • Only 2 customers will be permitted in the office at a time. Ideally one in the briefing area and one at the dispatch / reception area.
  • The flight planning area is set up to only allow one person to use it at a time.
  • The office will be cleaned daily.
  • High touch surfaces will be cleaned more often.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available to everyone who enters the office. The washroom is located next to the office, where hands can be washed with soap.
  • Everyone is encouraged to share their ideas regarding Covid-19 and how to stay safe in the office. This can be done verbally or through email.
  • The airport kitchen is off limits to all staff and customers. Airport staff only may enter or use the facilities.
Georgian College
  • All students are required to answer the COVID-19 screening questions.
  • All students are required to have there temperature taken using the companies touchless thermometer as they enter the office.
  • Students who do not pass the questionnaire or produce a higher than ‘normal’ temperature will be asked to leave the airport immediately and will not be completing flight lab at that time.
  • Anyone who arrives for flight lab with obvious symptoms will still be charged for their lesson. For this reason it is recommended that anyone who is showing any symptoms not show up for flight lab and ideally attempt to switch with another student.
  • Students who will not be attending flight lab due to symptoms of COVID should notify Ontario Flight Centre at 249-208-4OFC (4632)
How we’re screening for COVID-19
  • All Staff and customers are required to complete a set of screening questions when they arrive at our office.
  • Anyone with any of the following symptoms will not be allowed to enter the office:
    • severe difficulty breathing (struggling for each breath, can only speak in single words),
    • severe chest pain (constant tightness or crushing sensation),
    • feeling confused or unsure of where you are,
    • losing consciousness,
    • fever (feeling hot to the touch, a temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius or higher),
    • chills,
    • cough that’s new or worsening (continuous, more than usual),
    • barking cough, making a whistling noise when breathing (croup),
    • shortness of breath (out of breath, unable to breathe deeply),
    • sore throat,
    • difficulty swallowing,
    • runny, stuffy or congested nose (not related to seasonal allergies or other known causes or conditions),
    • lost sense of taste or smell,
    • pink eye (conjunctivitis),
    • headache that’s unusual or long lasting,
    • digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain),
    • muscle aches,
    • extreme tiredness that is unusual (fatigue, lack of energy),
    • falling down often,
    • for young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetite.
How we’re managing any new risks caused by the changes made to the way we operate our business
  • Wearing a face mask while flying creates a few potential problems:
  • Pilots are breathing in extra Carbon Dioxide. Some pilots have reported feeling dizzy, lightheaded and getting headaches,
  • Difficulty making clear radio calls,
  • Condensation on the mask makes it hard to breath.
  • Flight instructors are encouraged to take a 15-minute break in between flights to let the body recover from the additional carbon dioxide.
  • Pilots should speak as slowly and as clear as possible while making radio calls. Do not remove your mask or position the mic under the mask while talking on the radio.
  • Instructors are encouraged to change masks if theirs becomes difficult to breath in.
How we’re making sure our plan is working
  • This is considered a living document; it will be updated as often as necessary.
  • The Chief Flight Instructor is responsible for evaluating this safety plan
  • Weekly meeting with the staff and the Chief Flight Instructor to address any changes.
  • Staff and customers are encouraged to bring any questions or concerns to the attention of the Chief Flight Instructor.